(940) 851-6540

Residential Heating & Air Conditioning, Wichita Falls, TX

HomeHeating and Cooling, Wichita Falls, TXResidential Heating & Air Conditioning, Wichita Falls, TX

Let us help you have the most efficient and reliable residential heating & air conditioning system.

It would be difficult to envision living in the Wichita Falls, Texas area without a reliable residential heating & air conditioning system. It would be further incomprehensible to not have a company you could count on to keep it maintained and quickly respond to problems. At Dalorem Heating & A/C, we work diligently to ensure your home is kept a comfortable temperature for you and your family. We will advise you about the best services to help your system stay efficient for as long as possible.

Residential Heating & Air Conditioning in Wichita Falls, Texas

We can also provide you with the information you need when it comes time to decide about upgrading to newer, more efficient residential heating & air conditioning equipment. Instead of throwing money away to the electric or gas company, let us help you put that money into your home instead.

Dan Merola leads our team and shares his more than 25 years of experience in residential heating & air conditioning so you can rest assured you’ll always get a straight answer about what your HVAC system needs or if it is time to consider replacement with one of the major brands we offer. Instead of sticking with one company as many HVAC professionals do, we prefer to have several options, so we can properly match the right unit for your home. It might come from Rheem, American Standard, Comfort Maker, Air Ease, Goodman, Ducane, or Heil/Grand Aire, but you can bet it will be chosen only after a load calculation has been performed.

If you have questions about residential heating & air conditioning or would like to schedule service, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

At Dalorem Heating & A/C, we offer residential heating & air conditioning services in Wichita Falls, Burkburnett, Iowa Park, Archer City, Vernon, and Henrietta, Texas, as well as throughout Wichita County, Clay County, Archer County, and Walker County.