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What to Expect During Our Air Conditioner Maintenance Visits

HomeBlogWhat to Expect During Our Air Conditioner Maintenance Visits

You likely rely on your air conditioner all through the summer and even into the fall. You expect it to blow cool air into your home whenever you need it and for as long as you want it, but to keep it running so effectively, it’s important to schedule regular maintenance at least once or twice a year.

What to Expect During Our Air Conditioner Maintenance Visits

You can rely on us at Dalorem Heating & A/C for your air conditioner maintenance and any other air conditioning services you may need. Here is what you can expect during our air conditioner maintenance visit:

  • Thorough cleaning: During our air conditioner maintenance visit, we will thoroughly clean your outside unit and remove debris from any necessary parts to keep your cooling system working as efficiently as possible. We will also replace any dirty filters that might have collected an excessive amount of dust, dirt, and grime.
  • Close inspection: Our air conditioner maintenance will also include a thorough inspection to check for any major issues or warning signs. We will closely inspect any electrical connections, fan belts, cleaning valves, compressors, and coils to make sure everything is working correctly.
  • Extend the overall lifespan of your cooling system: The best part of our air conditioner maintenance is that the work we provide will ultimately extend the overall lifespan of your air conditioner and cooling system. That way, you can have a better chance of enjoying its cooling for longer with fewer needed repairs.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule your air conditioner maintenance appointment.